Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

HP TouchPad Tablet is Dead, but not webOS!

Reports regarding the death of webOS may really have been exaggerated. No, it’s not webOS that is dead. It’s just the TouchPad tablet and other webOS phones.

When HP announced last week its plans to discontinue operations for webOS devices, specifically the TouchPad and webOS phones; the company made it clear that it’s not burying webOS but rather exploring possible options to enhance the platform in today's marketplace. And I highlighted this statement on my previous post in which I said HP probably has plans of licensing webOS in the future. It turned out I was right and I did really understood the announcement.

“The WebOS is not dead,” said Palm Inc., Senior Vice President Stephen DeWitt. “We’re going to continue to evolve it, update and support it. We stand by it.”
The company will just get out of the business of making hardware, including both tablet and smartphones, based on the operating system they acquired from Palm last year. And yeah, webOS is not dead yet!

And so, where can we expect to see webOS in the future then? Well, DeWitt added:

“The whole world isn’t just about tablets and phones. There are going to be appliances of so many different sizes and shapes in the future that are going to require a human interface for data. WebOS has an appeal beyond consumer markets, and may be alluring to companies in finance, transportation and retailing.”
There you got it. DeWitt didn’t mention the possibilities of other phone makers like HTC, Samsung, LG, and among others, who may have interests of using webOS on their devices. But who knows right? Wouldn’t it be great to see these companies having webOS equivalent of their Android and Windows Phone 7 handsets? I can’t tell by now, but I think it’s really possible. [via]

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