Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

A Bombshell: HP Put an End to webOS Phones and TouchPad

You would be surprised to hear this news, but yeah – HP will stop its operations for webOS devices, specifically the TouchPad and webOS phones.

HP can’t hide the fact that its webOS devices, particularly the TouchPad, are not performing well in terms of sales since its launch. And I believe that could be the reason of killing it. Some analysts first thought HP would be a strong contender in tablet and smartphone segments because the company has its own mobile operating system; and unlike other players which leverage Android and Windows Phone, dare I say the big boys HTC and Samsung and among others -- HP has the full control in innovating its own competitive ecosystem. In a market with tough competition, developing webOS while trying out new ideas for possible great devices to run the software wouldn’t be easy for HP though. And HP believes there’s a need of a fundamental shift of its strategies to stay as a competitive company after all.

So what will happen to webOS by then? Well, HP said it will continue to explore options to optimize the value of webOS software going forward. Now this leaves me to think HP probably has plans of licensing webOS in the future, but that’s quite hard to figure out who’s going to take it. Any thoughts?

Click to Read Press Release

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