Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Facebook Scam Alert: Activate Dislike Button via HTC Sense

Dislike button on Facebook? No, there’s really nothing legit just yet.

And don’t let yourself get caught in a bait that will trick you to believing it does exist on Facebook. ‘Coz there’s none, believe me!

There’s a new scam spreading in Facebook like a wildfire. It updates your Facebook wall as if someone knowingly posted something interesting for you. It says:

Facebook just launched dislike button! Click on 'Activate Dislike Button' below to enable it on your account!
Sounds familiar, huh? Below the feed is the name of the app, via HTC Sense (feature that HTC smartphone users are enjoying) on this case that pushed update into your wall, as well as the usual “Like” and “Comment” links. But there’s a new one: Activate Dislike Button.

As usual, don’t click on that link. Clicking on the link will redirect users to a new page that give instructions which include copying several JavaScript codes and pasting in your browser’s address bar.

click to enlarge
It’s a trick. It will do something you’re not expecting, even making you mad. If you do so, you’ll apparently see the “Dislike” button on every update that you see in your wall. But no, it will asks you to complete surveys while turning your Facebook account into zombie; that is, sending the same Facebook message you've got in your wall. At least now you know, so don’t be fooled!

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