Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

AutoDesk University 2010 Showcases Impact of Great Design [Press Release]

Just received the official press release of the recent AutoDesk University (AU) 2010 conference held in Las Vegas, Tokyo, and Beijing.

Some of you might probably interest this exciting news especially if you are into 3D design and engineering or similar fields.

This is the second time, I guess, that Cebu Tech Blogger will feature news about AutoDesk, Inc. – the world leader in 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software. The first was when AutoDesk brought the popular AutoCAD software back to Mac, after 18 years of exclusive distribution to Windows users.

For those who haven’t heard of AutoDesk University (AU), it’s an annual user conference which showcases latest innovations in 3D design technologies. I came across the highlights of the event; surprisingly I found these videos from Autodesk Labs showing off different software projects that will rock the future of design. Watch it after the break.

Project Photofly

Project Galileo

Project Neon

Back to the AU 2010 highlights, you may read the full press release below.

Click to Read Press Release

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