Kamis, 14 April 2011

Nokia W7, Nokia W8: First Windows Phones?

You’re familiar with the Nokia and Microsoft deal, right? And you’ve seen those first mock ups that hit the web following the news?

Those are actually not too enticing though, at least for the hardware design, not until our favorite news portals continue buzzing with what apparently are the first Nokia phones to run Windows Phone 7 – the Nokia W7 and Nokia W8. The name may sounds familiar for you, knowing Nokia’s naming conventions of its devices shifted 3 years ago in which by then, every single number or two are preceded by single letter. If you can recall, what we have from Nokia these days are C-series, X-series, E-series, and N-series handsets. If Nokia W7 and W8 come to reality, then we have W-series that will be added to the line-up. Cool!

Left: Nokia X7, Right: Nokia N8 (with Window Phone 7 UI)
Back to Windows Phone 7, the Nokia W7 and W8 are said to be Nokia’s first to run Microsoft’s latest mobile OS. What’s more from the Finnish mobile maker’s habitual talker is the hardware design of the W7 and W8 which apparently would resemble, if not perfectly the same, with that of Nokia X7 and N8, respectively. Claimed being tested already within Nokia’s headquarter, the W7 is speculated to be the first to market this year or early 2012. Let’s see how this rumor goes… [via]

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