Phew! I’ve been quite in the past couple of days. But of course there’s always a reason.
I don’t actually hire writers to buffer stash of posts for future publishing. Everything published here is crafted through my own thoughts and opinions, and I do it during my spare time (mostly after work) except when someone stumbled for guest posting.
Anyway, I was away for a while on this online tech diary of mine for health reasons. I was advised to rest. There’s the eyestrain (I need to change my glasses, most probably), I might go for another therapy again this summer (for the third time) because of my back problem, and unexpectedly I was sick last weekend while at the beach. Silly. Thanks, there’s that health insurance to cover everything. This post won’t make any sense, I guess, but for those who keep on asking where the heck I’ve been hiding and to those who missed my daily tech updates, I’m here though – alive and still kicking! Now you know. J
That’s my intro again to break the silence, and it’s now time for the tech updates. Lots of tech updates, mind you.
To receive latest technology updates, you can subscribe either by E-mail or by RSS Feeds. Follow me also on Twitter.
I don’t actually hire writers to buffer stash of posts for future publishing. Everything published here is crafted through my own thoughts and opinions, and I do it during my spare time (mostly after work) except when someone stumbled for guest posting.
Anyway, I was away for a while on this online tech diary of mine for health reasons. I was advised to rest. There’s the eyestrain (I need to change my glasses, most probably), I might go for another therapy again this summer (for the third time) because of my back problem, and unexpectedly I was sick last weekend while at the beach. Silly. Thanks, there’s that health insurance to cover everything. This post won’t make any sense, I guess, but for those who keep on asking where the heck I’ve been hiding and to those who missed my daily tech updates, I’m here though – alive and still kicking! Now you know. J
That’s my intro again to break the silence, and it’s now time for the tech updates. Lots of tech updates, mind you.
To receive latest technology updates, you can subscribe either by E-mail or by RSS Feeds. Follow me also on Twitter.
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